(519) 938-0226
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Tuesday Nov. 25/14

Psychic Guide, Trance Medium, Healer and Facilitator.

Tuesday Nov. 25/14

Our energy is shifting. If your reading this I am sure you must be feeling it too. The past has a stronger hold on us then we sometimes realize. I am finding, as we go through this shift on the planet; our consciousness awakening to the realization that all is as we believe. Our thought patterns, our lessons, our previous beliefs from childhood, society up bringing and previous lives. All effect us in shaping our belief. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s, still grew up more in the 90’s and to now. Life I have discovered is about constantly experiencing different situations in order to learn, experience and grow from. Sometimes the lesson comes back in many different situations until we get it. We are here to awaken to a New Vibration, Energy, Consciousness, whatever you want to call it, coming onto planet Earth now. We as occupants must embrace the LOVE. Awaken to the FACT that we all bleed when cut. We all had to be born onto this Earth through a mother womb. We all will die when our time comes. Those are 3 facts about being human that I have discovered. The rest is experiences we have that shape the way we think, precieve, or believe our realities to be. We have the ability to create and reshape our current realities. We can go from nothing to having it all. Just ask Ophra, Neal Donald Walsh, Doreen Virtue, Will Smith, or any of the other millions of humans who have done it. What you believe you think, what you think you create, what you create you live. Become conscious of what you are thinking. Pay attention to the thoughts that roll around in your head. Are you thinking and talking about positives or negatives. I know it is harder to see the positives when everything is going to the crapper. But COME ON, there has to be something you are grateful for. Ask yourself, give yourself a moment to consciously think GOOD things for yourself. Be grateful you can see, be grateful you can read, be grateful you know how to use the internet and have access to it. So much of the little things we take for granted that when acknowleged can lift us into a Love base thought faster then awaiting for something big to happen to shift us up. Just be patient with yourself, you didn’t create the old way of thinking over night it will take time to rewrite the thought in our sub-consciousness. All is in Divine and Perfect Order and you are awakening through the way you need too. Shift your thoughts to create better in your life which will in turn allow you to create a more positive vibration of Love on this Planet we inhabbit. Peace, Love and Light to you all, Kelly