(519) 938-0226
Certified Wedding Officiant in 2021

Psychic Guide, Trance Medium & Healer

Hi! I'm Psychic Kelly.

I've been spreading Love, Light & Insight through online and in person readings since 2002. I have been featured as “One of Canada’s TOP PSYCHICS in the media on TV, Radio, Newpapers, even made the cover of a magazine. Contact me today to book one of my many services and gain insight into your past, present or future...

Psychic Guide

Kelly’s readings offer insight, inspiration and acceptance of yourself and others. She will confirm your thoughts and give you insight into your past, present, and future. Kelly helps guide you to breathe new energy into your life.


As a Healer, Kelly has the ability to feel your pains and tell you what is possibly causing them on a subconscious level and receives affirmations that may help assist you in releasing them.

Trance Medium

As a Trance Medium, she allows crossed over spirits to use her body as a conduit, Kelly steps out, and spirit steps in; when the spirit feels this is necessary. Her voice, face and mannerisms change as the spirit sits down and speaks through her.

Psychic Kelly

Spreading Love, Light & Insight  since 2002

I have been reading professionally since September 2002. Over that time I have appeared at many Psychic Fairs across Ontario, travelled to Home Parties across North America and have done many Phone and Skype readings across Canada, the USA and around the world. I have been featured as “One of Canada’s TOP PSYCHICS in the media on TV, Radio, Newpapers, even the cover of a magazine.

My abilities come from the God Source, I have always had these gifts just did not fully understand them until 2000, when I began to tune in and Awaken. I believe that we all have psychic abilities, just some of us are just more aware of them, and some are here to be the messengers from heaven, as I am.

Please enjoy the time you spend looking around my site, feel free to send me comments and feedback. Private, Group, Phone, Skype, Email, or Home Party Readings can all be arranged by filling out our online form, calling 519 938 0226 or by email at: talkswithangels@rogers.com. 


Release Negative Energies Through the Services Psychic Kelly Provides

Make peace with your past, present and future. Through the services Kelly offers, receive insightful messages that will assist you in healing your Body, Mind and Spirit.

Psychic Readings

By Appointment only


Healing Sessions

Spiritually Guided Intuitive Healing


House Clearings

Releasing Trapped Energies or Spirits


Spiritual Development

Discovering your Spiritual Guide


Spiritual Retreats

1-8 People



1-4 People


Wedding Officiation

Certified Pastoral Chaplain



Exchange Your Vows of Love



Dinner Parties, Theme Nights & More


What are People Saying about Kelly?

I’ve been providing readings and other Spiritual Healing services across Ontario since 2002. Many of my clients were more than happy to share their experiences – here’s just a few! For more testimonials and reviews you can follow me on Facebook – a link is provided below.

To see more reviews, check out her Facebook page or Google.

Follow me on Facebook

Spirit has a Message for you!

To see my entire list of crystals for a more in depth analysis – Just click the button below!

A Little Inspiration

I don’t know when or where Spirit will speak to me, but I do know that Spirit has a message for someone – is it you?  Follow me on Facebook and subscribe to my YouTube channel to connect with the messages that are waiting for you!  You can also view my Blog and Photo Gallery for more personal quotes and photos.


Unlock your Potential, Find your True Path, Embrace your Destiny

Living a more spiritual existance takes practice. Come connect with other like minded people.
This is a safe, non-judgemental, non-religious, accepting and loving environment in which you will discover the keys that will help you unlock the doors to your higher-self. 


Become more loving, accepting, and understanding of yourself and others. Find your path to living a more positive lifestyle. You have all the knowledge you need locked inside your psyche. Learn how to access and use it to the best of your ability to make your life more fulfilling, peaceful and content.


Find the path you are here to live. Help the Earth with the abilities you have, yet don’t know exist or fully understand. Learn how to choose and create the life you desire. Learn how to connect with Spirit to receive messages from your higher-self and Angels. You are not alone on this journey, come connect with your peers and work together to send Healing Energy to the Planet and her occupants.


See yourself the way Spirit does…through love and light. Discover why you do what you do. Learn how to understand, accept and heal yourself. By stopping the negative thoughts and turn them into POSITIVE. Learn how to clear your energy and the energy of those around you. Connect with Spirit Guides, Angels, and Higher-self. Experience the energies that surround you, how to identify them, clear them or draw on them. Practice Meditation, connecting, healing and working together to open our Spiritual-selves. Join us in learning to accept ourselves and others in a place where you can “BE” free to just “BE” you.


Don’t wait for Messages from Spirit,
Contact Kelly Today!

To book a reading or other service, you can reach out to me on Facebook Messenger, Text, Phone, Email, or fill out the contact form below.  I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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