(519) 938-0226
Certified Wedding Officiant in 2021

Tuesday Feb. 6/17

Psychic Guide, Trance Medium, Healer and Facilitator.

Tuesday Feb. 6/17

Hematite – Do not worry, over think or over analyze every time something does not go the way you want it too. Learn to Trust the Universe and Believe you will get through. Never has anything ever stayed the same. Life is constan…tly changing and it is all part of the game. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. How you handle it is strictly up to you. So give yourself time to understand the way. You are here to evolve, learn and experience much along the path you travel..(there is about a 4 hour gap here during the writing of this message)…. We all come to a point where this journey will end and the next one will begin. What you stress and worry about will not matter at that point. Understand you are constantly moving towards the point where this occurs. The things you stress about are not of importance as you go through this porthole to the next journey. What is important is Love. Love carries you through all of it. Love flows into you, through you and from you. Your experiences here are what you create in your thoughts of what you need in order to learn and grow from the experience. They do not change the fact you will eventually come to the point where you must leave this journey and move through the porthole to the next. You do have the ability during this journey to create with Love and manifest your dreams. Enjoy this journey, all of it along the way. It does go fast and everything does change. Live, Love and Laugh, let go of any pain. Everyday is a new day to start again. Choose Love, let go of Fear. Manifest with Love, your thoughts create the reality. (the second half of this message came from a spirit I was speaking with during a reading this morning.)