Friday Dec.19/14
Today’s message comes from Kyanite- Hold on to what you dream. Desire creates more then it may seem. When you open your heart to happiness. The past releases and helps you let go of the rest. Open yourself to what can be, allow yourself to dream. What is it you desire. What will help take you higher. What can you do today? How can you make the changes to start you on your way. All it takes is will and drive. Confirm with what you have inside. All is there for you to use. You have the abilities to pull you through. Trust with Faith all is alright. Shift your thoughts from dark to light. No fear where love resides. You are a light being inside. Focus on your inner light, you have the strength, everything will be alright. You can choose to believe that life is what you want it to be. 🙂 Love and Light, Kelly