Monday Dec. 15/14
Well that week went fast. So much is happening and shifting all at once. I love the magic of Christmas time. It brings with it joy, love, peace, and happiness. For me life feels as if the veil is being lifted and I can see my life differntly. What used to seem important no longer is. Maybe this is getting older, or maybe it is a shift in consciousness. I choose to believe it is a shift in consciousness. I am seeing where I am and believe I choose to create my reality. I have looked back and see how far I have come. We all have to heal the past so we can move forward. We need to forgive ourselves and others for life situations and experiences. We choose to create what we need in order to learn/grow. Those around us are there to teach and deliver the lessons we need. Sometimes the lessons are delivered harshly and those times we need to see them with unconditional love. They are only doing what we need them to do for us. We are Divine Spiritual Light Beings here having a Human experience. We learn as we become conscious and awaken to this knowledge that we begin to see life differently. We begin to understand that Everything Happens For A Reason. We understand that the negative experiences we have had can be great teachers. We discover that we have the ability to create our realities. What do you want in your life? This is a question you need to ask yourself if you are even going to start changing your reality. How are you going to feel when you get it? Why do you want it? What can you do to make it a reality? Are you willing to do what you need to? You can not have a muscular body if you sit on the couch and eat chips all day. You need to lift weights and exercise. You are in control of yourself and only yourself. You can not control another persons thoughts. Learn to control your own thruogh becoming conscious of the way you think. Today during Spirit Talks with Kelly on Skype, I picked a crystal for the group. Black Onyx is what was chosen. The message we received was about the transitions happening now and into the early part of 2015. As we go through the next few weeks we will be effected by the energies around us and some of those energies will will banging into ours. Possibly in not a nice way. Some of those participating in todays group have already been noticing this happening. As these energies are banging into us we are experiencing growth and understanding that they are doing what they need to do. And that is push us through so we may transition. They may not be apart of our futures but they do assist us in getting there. We all spoke about our abilities to control our reactions and thoughts. To stop taking other peoples actions, or words personally. To understand that they are there to assist our journey even when it feels like they are hindering it or trying to destroy it. We do not have to give them the power over us. They can not control our thoughts or actions. We can decide where we choose to be. I found todays group insightful, informative and enjoyable. I just want to thank all of you who participated and look forward to next weeks session. 🙂