Tuesday Dec. 9/14

I truly believe everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is not known immediately. When I look back at my life I see things that I experienced or went through that made me who I am today. I learned through the experience or situation and now can help others because of it. I see things that happened, that had they not happened, I never would be where I am today. Life is a mystery and why things happen is hard to accept sometimes as you are going through them. Some of life’s situations are there to help us grow and some there for us to teach. Some are situations that our soul needs to experience so that it can evolve. Transitions and changes are constant. You are constantly changing and evolving into the being you are here to be. You have the power to change all that you don’t like around you. Sometimes a conversation with someone you just met can effect the rest of your life. It can give you a key to unlocking your unknown abilities. I had a miscarriage with my second pregnancy and had that not happened I may not have found the keys to unlock my own abilities. I am grateful that it happened now, even though at the time it was horrible to go through. I now see that I needed that to happen so that I would follow the path and do what it is I am doing right now. Life will be what you create it to be, yet you must understand that some things have to be so that you can find that light you are seeking.