Tuesday Dec. 2/14
How many times have you Feared something would happen and the the total opposite has occured. Example, You feared…. you were not going to make bill payments on time. Only to have the money for them to show up at the last possible moment. Your TV breaks, you can’t afford a new one and then all of a sudden someone says they have a old TV you can have. You have always been provided for, sometimes at the last possible moment. Sometimes what we Fear does occur and then we need to ask ourselves what in us believed this would happen? Or, what do I need to learn from this and how can I move forward and not repeat this? We all have blockages that are created in our energy through previous belief patterns from this lifetime and others. we need to understand that we can heal the belief and shift even higher. We need to do the work indiviually and together. Individually you can work on your own energies. Together you can work on Global energies. You can send Love into the space where the energy is held so you may see the previous belief and then with Light clear the darkness. See each situation in the Light of Unconditional Love. That is very difficult for us humans to do. For we as a society have created the energy of lack on this planet. We have exhausted our resources. We have populated to the max. and we are just now starting to do something about it. We are awakening to the energy for Healing. We are becoming conscious of our thoughts. We are choosing LOVE, yet Fear still has its hold. We need to become aware and learn to flow with the energies. We need to let go of the old and trust the Universe to provide what we need, when we need it. We need to bring the consciousness of Love and Light into our beings and Awaken to the New way of Life on Planet Earth. This will take time, and transition will not be easy to say the least. All you must do is retain Love, Light and Peace. Your your thoughts and in your being there will come a time when you discover all that was hidden. Do not be fooled by society control. All is shifting and changing as we release the old. Awaken Brothers and Sisters of the Light it is time now to hold the Vibration Of LOVE and LIGHT. With this we Stand and Fight the dark through releasing all fears and fright. We together can Heal and Change the energy of our planet and renew the resources and learn to maintain. Peace, Love and Light, Kelly