(519) 938-0226
Certified Wedding Officiant in 2021
Trapped Spirits & Negative Energies Can Keep You From Sleeping Peacefully  

Do you feel an unknown energy in your home? 

 Are you trying to sell your current home and having trouble attracting a buyer? Do you hear noises and feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up in certain areas? Do you have objects being moved and Spirits or energies effecting how you feel at home? Have you recently moved into a home and wish to clear any left energies from previous occupants? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then a House Clearing maybe just what you need.  
I can help through identifying and releasing any trapped Spirits or energies, finding and closing any possible port holes from where they are entering, suggesting protection items you may use to keep the energy of your home clear. Also by smudging the entire house to release and clear anything not in the highest purest and best interest of the current home occupants. 
$180 – usually takes around an hour depending on size of your home.
Additional Travel fees for distances over 100 km